Join Us

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CitySprouts has volunteer opportunities year-round. Join us!

Make a donation

Support our work with an in-kind or financial gift.

Sponsor a program

Support students, teachers and science-based learning in the garden.

Broaden the impact of your gift

Monthly Donation
Make your donation a monthly gift to ensure our programs are funded steadily throughout the year.

Gifts in Honor or Memory
Make a donation in honor of an individual or special occasion, or in memory of a deceased friend or relative. We will send an acknowledgment on your behalf.

Corporate Match
Do you work at Harvard, Google, or Microsoft? These employers (and many others) offer gift programs that match the generous donations made by their employees. Check to see if your employer will match your donation to CitySprouts.

Corporate Sponsorship
Corporate sponsors are recognized on our website, in our annual report and as a guest at Dig It!, our yearly fundraising event held in early spring. Corporate sponsors are invited to volunteer in our school gardens and see the impact on their support.